I want to know about you..

Sup everyone! or no one.. i'm not too sure.

So in today's post I want to find out about YOU. Here are some questions and it would be awesome if you could comment below your answers and I will reply to each and every one of you. LETS GO.

1) what is your name?

2) How old are you?

3) What is your current job/ occupation?

4) What is your dream job?

5) Do you blog? if so.. why not leave your link so we can check your work out.

6) Whats one thing you want to achieve in the next 2 years?

7) Whats your favorite type of blog post to read?

8) Who is your idol?

9) what is your favorite film, book or TV series?

10) As of right now, what is your favorite song?

Okay guys, so there we go! I cant wait to see your answers, I'm just praying that some of you decide to comment because I'd love to get to know my audience and just find out these fun things.

Dont forget to follow me on here to never miss a post!

Okay guys thank you for reading, as usual tweet me or email me with your requests on reviews, topics or just anything in general you want to see on here. Dont forget that when I've collected enough content there will also be an anonymous advice section on this blog so keep your eyes peeled for that and send me your questions :)

Twitter- Aejsblogg
Email- Aejsblog@outlook.com


  1. Hi Guys! Dont forget to comment down below with your answers :)

  2. Comments below:
    1) I'm Patricia.
    2) I'm in my 30s.
    3)I'm a sales associate.
    4) Anything where I can make a positive difference in others' lives and can do well in.
    5)Yes! https://placeinthisworld224.wordpress.com/
    6) Becoming a Department Manager at my store.
    7) Inspirational/motivational, travel, recipes
    8)I don't have one.
    9)film-Shrek, TV Series-Monk, book-Bible, When Bad Christians Happen To Good People
    10) I don't have one. Too many to count, but I have several.

    1. Thank you so much for getting involved Patricia! Loved reading your answers, you seem very interesting :)

  3. 1) what is your name? Kerry

    2) How old are you? 41

    3) What is your current job/ occupation? Drama (school teacher)

    4) What is your dream job? Blogging full time

    5) Do you blog? if so.. why not leave your link so we can check your work out. Yep - http://kerrymaymakes.weebly.com/

    6) Whats one thing you want to achieve in the next 2 years? To learn Spanish (I'm getting there)

    7) Whats your favorite type of blog post to read? Craft and planner blogs

    8) Who is your idol? - My mum

    9) what is your favorite film, book or TV series? - The Sopranos

    10) As of right now, what is your favorite song? - Across the Universe - The Beatles

    1. Kerry this is lovely! Thank you so much for participating. I actually Awww'd out loud at question 8 :)

  4. 1) what is your name? Nina

    2) How old are you? 30

    3) What is your current job/ occupation? English Teacher in Spain, aupair for the summer in the Czech Republic and blogger

    4) What is your dream job? Full time fashion/travel blogger

    5) Do you blog? if so.. why not leave your link so we can check your work out.
    I do! aworldofdresses.com

    6) Whats one thing you want to achieve in the next 2 years? I want to turn my blog into a business.

    7) Whats your favorite type of blog post to read? I love travel blogs because I love traveling. I love to read about places and then add them to my list.

    8) Who is your idol? Michelle Obama or Amy Pohler

    9) what is your favorite film, book or TV series? Almost Famous

    10) As of right now, what is your favorite song? "Me Enamore" by Shakira

    1. Thanks for participating Nina! By the way, Michelle Obama is an awesome person to have as an idol, great choice :)

  5. 1) what is your name? Lori

    2) How old are you? 55

    3) What is your current job/ occupation?
    Blogger/Gramma (retired teacher)

    4) What is your dream job? Blogger/Gramma

    5) Do you blog? if so.. why not leave your link so we can check your work out. www.lovemybighappyfamily.com

    6) Whats one thing you want to achieve in the next 2 years? Grow my blog into a thriving business.

    7) Whats your favorite type of blog post to read? Crafts

    8) Who is your idol? - My Mom

    9) what is your favorite film, book or TV series?
    My favorite film (one of them anyway) is My Fair Lady.

    10) As of right now, what is your favorite song?
    What Do You Do With the Mad that You Feel (a song I'm teaching my grandson)

    You should share your answers to these questions with us as well.

    1. Hiya Lori! Thanks for getting involved, loved reading through your answers :)

  6. 1) what is your name? Luci

    2) How old are you? 27

    3) What is your current job/ occupation? Blogger

    4) What is your dream job? Princess

    5) Do you blog? if so.. why not leave your link so we can check your work out. www.sweetiensaltyshoppe.com

    6) Whats one thing you want to achieve in the next 2 years? I would like my book that I am working on to be successful.

    7) Whats your favorite type of blog post to read? Food

    8) Who is your idol? Amy Lee

    9) what is your favorite film, book or TV series? John Wick Chapter 2, right now.

    10) As of right now, what is your favorite song? Salt by Eivor

    1. Thanks for taking part Luci! Love the dream job answer especially :)

  7. This was a cool little thing. I usually don't take part in these, but I decided to tweet you out!

    1. Thank you so much and really glad you enjoyed :)

    2. Thank you so much and really glad you enjoyed :)


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